Why Donate?

Meals for Musicians
Mr. David Purvis and his family have been a part of our Symphony Family for many years, most notably contributing to our Meals for Musicians program on an annual basis. Mr. David's dedication and generosity toward our organization has made long rehearsals and late-night performance preparation easier and so much more enjoyable on a full stomach!
Mr. David loved Meridian and anything that made Meridian a better place for everyone. That's why he believed in the Meridian Symphony — he knew it made Meridian better for everyone. In honor of that belief, we have named our Meals for Musicians program for his incredible generosity. The David Purvis Meals for Musicians program will help ensure incredible local, regional, and international musicians continue to present world-class performances and educational opportunities in Meridian for many years to come.
If you would like to honor Mr. David by contributing to this program you may do so through the link provided below or by mail:
Meridian Symphony
PO Box 2171
Meridian MS 39302
Please note the David Purvis Meal for Musicians program on your check
If your church/civic/social group would like to assist by providing financial contributions, volunteer support, or fresh baked goods, you may do so by contacting our office.
If your restaurant or catering company would like to participate by providing a meal in whole or in part, please contact our office.
Each contribution will be acknowledged with a personalized message the Purvis family, as well as through the Meridian Symphony annual program book. Thank you for joining us in remembering and honoring Mr. David Purvis.